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2017年07月24日 14:14:06 发布



由Fredrik Backhed 和 Bjorn Fagergberg博士率领的三个瑞典科研团队较量了145位患有糖尿病,葡萄糖耐量低落和正常妇女的宏基因组,他们发明患有二型糖尿病的妇女肠道微生物产生变革。


Fredrik Backhed博士暗示,通过查抄病人的肠道微生物,我们可以或许预测病人成长成糖尿病的风险。而我们碰着的问题是肠道微生物组成变革是否影响年数相关的糖尿病。假如是这样的话,益生菌排行榜,我们就有了新的防备糖尿病的要领。

Jens Nielsen博士增补道,在本研究中,我们开拓了新技能来阐明宏基因组数据,我们可以或许阐明更多的未知宏基因组。也就是我们可以或许发明之前一直埋没起来的细菌。开拓新技能来阐明临床大样本量数据,我们提供了很好的示范。


Gut metagenome in European women with normal, impaired and diabetic glucose control.

Karlsson FH, Tremaroli V, Nookaew I, Bergstram G, Behre CJ, Fagerberg B, Nielsen J, Backhed F.

Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a result of complex gene-environment interactions, and several risk factors have been identified, including age, family history, diet, sedentary lifestyle and obesity. Statistical models that combine known risk factors for T2D can partly identify individuals at high risk of developing the disease. However, these studies have so far indicated that human genetics contributes little to the models, whereas socio-demographic and environmental factors have greater influence. Recent evidence suggests the importance of the gut microbiota as an environmental factor, and an altered gut microbiota has been linked to metabolic diseases including obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Here we use shotgun sequencing to characterize the faecal metagenome of 145 European women with normal, impaired or diabetic glucose control. We observe compositional and functional alterations in the metagenomes of women with T2D, and develop a mathematical model based on metagenomic profiles that identified T2D with high accuracy. We applied this model to women with impaired glucose tolerance, and show that it can identify women who have a diabetes-like metabolism. Furthermore, glucose control and medication were unlikely to have major confounding effects. We also applied our model to a recently described Chinese cohort and show that the discriminant metagenomic markers for T2D differ between the European and Chinese cohorts. Therefore, metagenomic predictive tools for T2D should be specific for the age and geographical location of the populations studied.



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